How many PUBG airdrops are there in the game and how to get them

  • We reveal the total number of supply drops in PUBG Mobile per match.

  • Here's a guide on how to loot supply drops without getting killed

Air Drop
 PlayerUnknown's Battleground Mobile or PUBGM, in short, is a battle royale game sitting at the apex of the genre. Like other typical battle royale games, PUBG has its own loot system. Normal loots are distributed around the map randomly. Meanwhile, some of the best high-tier loot comes in the form of supply drops.

Supply drops in PUBG Mobile are quite frequent. You can find one at each phase of a circle. The location of the supply drops may seem random, however, one can estimate the drop location with a little knowledge of the game.

Predicting supply drops in PUBG Mobile is a topic which we will cover some other time. For the time being, let us continue on to read the total number of supply drops in a PUBG Mobile Match.PUBG Mobile includes a total of 5 supply drops per match. Getting supply drops is quite easy. You just have to look out for red smoke in the area. To be on the safe side, one should always use vehicles to claim a drop. Vehicles can be used to provide cover or as a getaway choice if things go wrong.

PUBG Mobile features another drop which is often called a "Hot Drop". This is a player-requested supply drop which has yellow smoke. So, before trying to claim a supply drop with yellow smoke, be ready to kill some players.

Some points which players should keep while looting a supply drop are-

Red Smoke denotes the world supply drop. There is a total of 5 world supply drops.

Yellow Smoke means a player called supply drop.

Never try to loot supply drops in open without any cover as players tend to bait other players.

Never directly loot a supply drop in a field with grass.

Beware of campers. Never go with the full team to loot a single supply drop.

Going alone while other players are providing cover, increase chances of survival. Never loot a supply drop in the end game as it will clearly be used as bait
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