Pubg ban in india latest news: Good News for Pubg Lovers | Re-launch soon

Finally, after a long time for all gamers, the big news has been released from the Pubg corporation team, After the game was banned in September 2020, all the people are eagerly arranging for the game to be relaunched,

There was no information, but here on 24/03/2021, It is being told by Zeenews that preparations for Pubg mobile re-launch are in progress, Fans can get good news soon Pubg mobile launch has been speeded up

The fans waiting for the game are waiting to end, the game-making company says that talks are going on with the Government of India for the re-launch of the Pubg game. the head of the corporate development of the krofton said We want the Pubg to come to the Indian market as soon as possible, but the relaunching date for this could not be told yet.

Speaking at the Indian Gaming Conference 2021, he said that this game will be launched in India with special design and new development and the company is preparing

Pubg ban in India latest news: Good News for Pubg Lovers | Re-launch soon

He said that there will be no pre-registration of pubg new state because it has not been developed yet. Pubg new state is the new edition of the game. He said that it is waiting for the approval of the government to relaunch it.

This game will be launched as soon as the company gets permission.
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