PUBG Mobile launch soon in India: with these changes

The PUBG Mobile game lovers in India have been waiting for a long time for the return of the PUBG Mobile game. After the recent news, the game can be launched in India very soon. However, no news from Tencent about the launch of the PUBG Mobile Game has not yet reached out. Do you think it will be launched in India?

Now PUBG Mobile's big player and streamer Aaditya 'Dynamo' Sawant has teased the release of PUBG Mobile India. He told in his latest YouTube live stream that the trailer of the game will come on a double digit date. While the game will be launched on a single digit date in India. You can read the whole news by clicking here .

The PUBG Mobile India game is being prepared for a long time and will be different from the global version. Some changes will be made in the India version of PUBG Mobile. We can only launch PUBG Mobile India if there are changes in it. After reviewing the gaming, we can say that they are creating good content and making some changes according to Indian culture in the game. We are looking forward to seeing what this game is and how it will be different from other games.


PUBG Mobile in India will be launched, and has some changes to the original game. In PUBG Mobile India, the players will have many characters to choose from. All these characters will wear full-clad clothes and you cannot remove them. You can change your clothes, but even if you want, you can not completely remove it like in the original version.

Green color hit effect

The long-anticipated hit effect of green color in PUBG is here! In the global version of the game, we allow players to select from four colors: yellow, green, red and blue. After much testing, we found that blue has been selected very rarely, and we believe that the reason behind this is that PUBG is a dynamic game and most of the blue effects have become chaos. Because of this reason, we changed the default color to green. In addition to this major change, today's update also contains visual improvements for Windows so that you can get a better game experience.

Restriction on Playtime

This one is an interesting one. When PUBG Mobile first released on different platforms, there were a lot of negative feedback. One of the reason was because some players were underage or below the age restrictions set by the developer company. PUBG Mobile India will reveal a new feature which will limit the amount of time in which you can play the game. Restriction on playtime might help many young players to stop playing late at night.

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